Statement on ethics

Research ethics

  • The author should follow the moral code during data preparation for the manuscript
  • The authors must ensure that all the material is original and owned by the authors and/no permission is required from third parties.


Ethical approval for animals and human subjects
When experimental animals (All live animals considered experimental when using for the study) are used, the methods section must clearly indicate that adequate measures were taken to minimize pain or discomfort. Experiments should be carried out in accordance with the Guidelines laid down by the International Animal Ethics Committee or Institutional Ethics Committee and in accordance with local laws and regulations.

When reporting a study that involved human participants, their data or biological material, authors should include a statement that confirms that the study was approved (or granted exemption) by the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee (including the name of the ethics committee) and certify that the study was performed in accordance with the ethical standards as laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration or comparable standards, the authors must explain the reasons for their approach, and demonstrate that an independent ethics committee or institutional review board explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. If a study was granted exemption from requiring ethics approval, this should also be detailed in the manuscript (including the reasons for the exemption).

All studies using human or animal subjects should include an explicit statement in the Material and Methods section identifying the review and ethics committee approval for each study, if applicable. Editors reserve the right to reject papers if there is doubt as to whether appropriate procedures have been used. 


Requirements for gels and blots
All images must have sufficient resolution and quality. Rearranging bands, composing images from multiple experiments such as splicing lanes from multiple blots to fabricate a specific experimental outcome, image processing leading to a distortion of the originally contained information or similar operations and editing are in general forbidden and will lead to immediate rejection without further review. This behavior may be considered as scientific misconduct and lead to further investigation. Molecular size markers should be included on each gel/blot and positive and negative controls must be included where relevant. Replicates are necessary for all experiments including gels and blots, and authors should be prepared to submit them for review upon request. The number of repetitions should be clearly indicated in the Figure Legend.  


Informed consent
Individual participants in the studies require informed consent, which should be recognized in the manuscript. Participants have a privacy right which should not be violated without informed consent. Recognizing information, including names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be published in written forms, photographs, or histories unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient or guardian gives written informed consent for publication. Authors should disclose any possible distinguishable material that might be accessible to the participants via electronic as well as in print after publication. As per local regulations or laws, the patient consent should be written and archived with the journal, the authors, or both. Participants' confidentiality is better guarded by having the author archive the consent and instead providing the journal with a written statement that attests that they have received and archived written participants' consent. After obtaining the informed consent, it should be specified in the published paper.
Unnecessary recognizing details should be avoided. Informed consent for publication should be obtained if there is any doubt. For example, masking the eye region in photographs of participants is inadequate protection of anonymity. If identifying characteristics are altered to protect anonymity, such as in genetic profiles, authors should provide assurance that alterations do not distort the scientific meaning.
Participants identifiers will not be published in JABET unless written informed consent is given and the content is essential for the scientific purpose and merit of the manuscript. Photographs of subjects showing any identifiable features must be accompanied by their signed release authorizing the publication, as must case reports that provide enough unique identification of a person to make recognition possible. Rejection of manuscript may occur if there is any failure to obtain informed consent of participants prior to manuscript submission.
There are few exceptions where it is not necessary to obtain consent such as a) images such as x-rays, laparoscopic images, ultrasound images, brain scans, and pathology slides unless there is a concern about identifying information in which case, authors should ensure that consent is obtained and, b) reuse of images: if images are being reused from prior publications, the publisher will assume that the prior publication obtained the relevant information regarding consent. Authors should provide the appropriate acknowledgment for republished images. 


Clinical trials registration
JABET follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines which require and recommend registration of clinical trials in a public trials registry at or before the time of first patient enrollment as a condition of consideration for publication. Studies that are just observational don't need to be registered. A clinical trial is any study that involves participant randomization and group categorization in the context of the intervention being evaluated. It does not simply relate to studies that are conducted in hospitals or that use medications. Authors are strongly encouraged to pre-register clinical trials with international clinical trials register and cite a reference to the registration in the Methods section. Suitable databases include, the EU Clinical Trials Register, and those listed by the World Health Organisation International Clinical Trials Registry Platform. Prospective clinical trial registration is not the same as study approval by a neutral local, regional, or national review agency. JABET reserves the right to decline any paper without trial registration for further peer review. However, if the study protocol has been published before the enrolment, the registration can be waived with the correct citation of the published protocol.


Publication ethics

JABET follows the rules and regulations set by ICMJE (The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors). So, the authors are requested to prepare their manuscripts accordingly for publication.


According to the ICMJE, authorship criteria should be based on- 1) substantial contributions to the conception and design of, or acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data, 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Authors should meet conditions 1, 2, and 3. Before submission, all authors must read and approve the final version of the manuscript. All named authors must have made an active contribution to the conception and design and/or analysis and interpretation of the data and/or the drafting of the paper. It is a requirement that all authors have been accredited as appropriate upon submission of the manuscript. Contributors who do not qualify as authors should be mentioned under Acknowledgements.


Change in authorship
We do not allow any change in authorship after provisional acceptance. We cannot allow any addition, deletion, or change in the sequence of an author's name. We have this policy to prevent fraud.


Under the acknowledgments section, please specify contributors to the article other than the authors accredited. Please also include specifications of the source of funding for the study and any potential conflict of interest if appropriate. Suppliers of materials should be named and their location (town, state/county, country) included.


All submissions to JABET are screened by iThenticate or Turnitin, the professional plagiarism checkers. Manuscripts that are found to have been plagiarized by authors, whether published or unpublished, will not be accepted for publication. To reduce the similarity, please give proper citations and use the words/sentences carefully. A maximum of 15% similarity is accepted (without references).


Reviewers recommendation
Authors can recommend potential reviewers. Journal editors will check to make sure there are no conflicts of interest before contacting those reviewers, and will not consider those with competing interests. Reviewers are asked to declare any conflicts of interest. Authors can also enter the names of potential peer reviewers they wish to exclude from consideration in the peer review of their manuscript, during the initial submission process. The editorial team will respect these requests so long as this does not interfere with the objective and thorough assessment of the submission.


Conflict of interests
The author must declare any conflict of interest in relation to financial benefits or others. Besides, as a member of a journal’s Editorial Board, the editor needs to be very aware of the risk of conflicts when handling a manuscript.

Firstly, editors should assess their own potential conflicts. If they have recently coauthored with the author(s) of the manuscript, they could be perceived to be influenced by their relationship. JABET aims to avoid assigning papers to Editors who might have conflicts, but we also expect our Editors to declare any conflicts. If they believe a conflict exists, they should refuse to handle the manuscript.
As a subject expert, the journal relies on the editor’s knowledge of the discipline to assess any conflicts declared by a submitting author. They are also uniquely placed to be able to identify any undeclared conflicts that an author might have. They should think about these factors when making a recommendation on the manuscript. They should also consider potential conflicts when assigning the manuscript to reviewers.

JABET performs conflict of interest checks on all reviewers before they receive the manuscript for review, but they should also rely on their knowledge of the sector to inform assignments they make. Typically, they should not select a referee who:
-works or has recently worked at the same institution as the author or authors; or
-has recently coauthored a paper with the author or authors; or
-has a recent or current collaboration with the author or authors.

Reviewers should decline to review a submission when they:
-Have a recent publication or current submission with any author
-Share or have recently shared an affiliation with any author
-Collaborate or have recently collaborated with any author
-Have a close personal connection to any author
-Have a financial interest in the subject of the work
-Feel unable to be objective


If all or parts of previously published illustrations are used, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder concerned. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain these in writing and provide copies to the Publishers.


The corresponding author must declare in the cover letter that the manuscript has not been submitted to any journal for possible publication, or has not been published elsewhere (in part or full). If we notice such kind of malpractice, the author(s) will be blacklisted for our journal, and no article from those authors will be processed in the future. Besides, the list of authors may be forwarded to the editors of other related journals around the world. 


Copyright and license
Upon submitting an article, authors should be agreed to abide by an open-access Creative Commons license (CC BY-4.0). Under the terms of this license, authors retain ownership of the copyright of their articles. However, the license permits any user to download, print out, extract, reuse, archive, and distribute the article, so long as appropriate credit is given to the authors and the source of the work. The license ensures that the article will be available as widely as possible and that the article can be included in any scientific archive.



As part of the journal’s commitment to supporting authors at every step of the publishing process, the ORCID ID (freely available at of authors (at least the corresponding and submitting authors) should be provided during the online submission process.


Research articles and non-research articles (e.g. Editorial, Review, and Commentary articles) must cite appropriate and relevant literature in support of the claims made. Excessive self-citation, coordinated efforts among several authors to collectively self-cite, gratuitous and unnecessary citation of articles published in the journal to which the paper has been submitted, and any other form of citation manipulation are inappropriate. Citation manipulation will result in the article being rejected and may be reported to authors’ institutions.  Similarly, any attempts by peer-reviewers or editors to encourage such practices should be reported by authors to the publisher. 


After acceptance

  • Upon acceptance, the corresponding or submitting author is given 1 week of time for the completion of the article processing charge (APC) payment. Upon receiving the payment, English language editing, copyediting, and typesetting are done. Then, the manuscript is formatted to make a galley proof.

  • The galley proof is sent as a PDF file to the corresponding or submitting author, and 3 days are given for the necessary corrections by the authors. The purpose of the galley proof is to check for typesetting or conversion errors and the completeness and accuracy of the text, tables, and figures. Substantial changes in content, e.g., new results, corrected values, title, and authorship, are not allowed without the approval of the Editor-in-Chief. Please note that the authors are responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made.

  • Once the corrections are effected in the galley proof, the article is sent to the Editor-in-Chief for the final quality control step. Once the final quality control step is completed, DOI, issue, and page numbers are assigned. Then the article is published under the forthcoming issue.

    N.B. If the corresponding author fails to complete the payment process within 1 week, he or she should communicate the cause immediately, otherwise, the article will be deleted from the journal system. It is done to keep the length of publication time minimum.


Open access and fees
Open access refers to the practice of making peer-reviewed scholarly research and literature freely available online to anyone interested in reading it without any restriction. The open-access publications are freely and permanently available online to anyone with internet access. Unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium is permitted, provided the author/editor is properly attributed. Since JABET is an open-access journal, after acceptance, the article will be subjected to an APC payment. You can read more about APC payment and whether you may be eligible for waivers or discounts.


Post-publication corrections 
A Correction notice will be issued when it is necessary to correct an error or omission, where the interpretation of the article may be impacted but the scholarly integrity or original findings remains intact. A correction notice, where possible, should always be written and approved by all authors of the original article. On very rare occasions where there is a need to correct an error made in the publication process, the journal may be required to issue a correction without the authors’ direct input. However, should this occur, the journal will make its best efforts to notify the authors. Please note that correction requests may be subject to full review, and if queries are raised, you may be expected to supply further information before the correction is approved.


Malpractice and retraction
The JABET has the full privilege to withdraw or retract any article that is proven to involve malpractice or scientific misconduct. If any scientific misconduct (e.g., research without required ethical approvals, fabricated data, manipulated images, plagiarism, duplicate publication, etc.) is proven regarding the methods, results, data, or figures of a manuscript during processing and/or after publishing, the manuscript must be permanently withdrawn from the journal without further explanation or accountability. In such a case, the listed author or group of authors will not be considered for any further submissions to this journal. The decision to retract an article will be made in accordance with both JABET and COPE guidelines.


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